Shop now and support Hospitality Action

Shop now and support Hospitality Action

As we enter another lockdown in Wales we have decided to support the hospitality industry by donating £1 from every bottle sold on our web store to Hospitality Action until the end of November.

Hospitality Action offers help, advice and support to anyone working in hospitality when times get tough. Whether it’s serious illness, mental health issues, financial difficulties or anything else, Hospitality Action are always there to help.

As a business we are having to close our doors to the public during this ‘firebreak’. However, we are lucky that we have online sales to help us through. Many businesses don’t have that luxury and are facing more uncertain and stressful times ahead.

So start your Christmas shopping now and show your support for the owners and staff of the pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels who need it. 

If you’d like to give a bigger donation to Hospitality Action click here.

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